747- G-BYGA
G-BGYA was a 747-436 wide bodied aircraft which was powered by 4 Rolls Royce RB211-524G engines. MSN is 28855, line number 1190
British Airways took delivery of her in December 1998 wearing the Chelsea Rose world tail livery.
First flight was on 4th December 1998.
Cabin configuration consisted of 14 first class, 86 business class, 30 premium economy and 145 econom seats.
The most popular route flown by this aircraft from from LHR to JFK.
The most notable incident during G-BYGA's flying carrier was at approximately 18:35Z on 11 May 2009. On take off from Tambo Airport in South Africa, the flight crew battled to prevent a low-altitude stall after the leading-edge slats unexpectedly retracted during lift-off.
At 167kt on the take-off roll, fractionally below rotation speed, all the leading-edge slats inboard of the engines on each side automatically retracted, after receiving a spurious indication of thrust-reverser activation.
As the aircraft tried to climb out from Johannesburg known for its 'hot and high' environment, the jet was said to have lost a "significant amount of lift" and the stick-shaker immediately engaged, warning of an approaching stall.
Thankfully due to the experience of the flight crew, the aircraft was stabilised and an emergency landing back to Tambo was carried out successfully. Investigators concluded that, during the take-off roll, the slats retracted - as designed - in response to signals indicating deployment of thrust reversers on the two inboard Rolls-Royce RB211 engines. The right-hand reverser signal was triggered at 125kt and the left-hand at 160kt.But neither reverser had been activated, and British Airways engineers examined the aircraft (G-BYGA) to trace the source of the false signals. The inquiry concluded that, although the reversers were stowed, their translating cowls were nevertheless seated relatively far rearwards.
As the 747's engines wound up to high power, and the aircraft accelerated, sensors monitoring the cowl positions transmitted incorrect 'reverser' signals. The slats retracted because of a logic process designed to prevent them being struck by efflux air from activated reversers.
Boeing subsequently developed a safety bulletin for Rolls-Royce-powered 747-400s to disable this reverser-based automated stowing.
As part of British Airways collective early retirement of their fleet of 747s, G-BYGA was withdrawn from active service on 21st March 2020. It was stored at cardiff from 23rd March to 8th September 2020 on which date it was moved to Cotswold (Kemble) Airport awaiting breakup.
G-BYGA top deck was saved from impending scrap by Doors2Manual and was transported by road on 11th August 2022 where is now resides here in its new home at City Airport (Barton), Manchester.

